in April 2017

NATO Military Police Close Protection Worhshop 2017

Start 03 Apr 2017 08:00
End 05 Apr 2017 16:00

On the 3rd to 5th April 2017, a Close Protection workshop was held at the NATO MP COE and was attended by representatives from 12 countries.

The workshop consisted of two main parts. The First day was devoted to sharing experience and a general discussion about CP tasks, AO (Area of Operations) and security procedures. Participants also shared their own opinion about training programs, techniques and equipment. What needs to be emphasised is that it was a unique opportunity for everybody to hear about tasks executed by the CP teams in different AOs and how they are performed.

on April 2017

The Second day related to CP SOP which was developed last year at the 1st MPCPWS16 and the general approach to e-learning as a tool for CP training support.

Participants were divided into three Small Working Groups with the task to define the aim, target audience and learning objectives for the ADL CP course. Each group presented their ideas that are planned to be used by the MP COE for the analysis and further development.

On the last day event OPR summarized the workshop and gave ideas for the Workshop’s future. Participants stated that they expect MPCPWS to be continued.

The event was very well perceived and evaluated by the participants who see further need for such meetings. The NATO MP COE appreciates the participants’ involvement and their devotion to the work made during that period. As it was stated by everybody, it was a great opportunity for the Close Protection family to meet each other and share knowledge.